You heard her story, you see her countenance, but you don't know the inner truth. Her views, her say, she limits it all 'cos there's always secrets to life.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ya Allah

Ya Allah. Give me the strength to face all these obstacles. Give me the strength to do all my everyday work. I want to recover asap. So that I won't have to trouble anyone at home anymore, Ya Allah. I do not want to lose out in my studies and disappoint Mama and Abah. I'm sure behind all these, there is a reason for why I'm facing it. Ya Allah, forgive me and my sins. I want to go through the month of Ramadhan with my beloved family, Ya Allah. Guide me along and make me stay away from all the devils. Guide me along so that I will never lose off track. Amin.

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