You heard her story, you see her countenance, but you don't know the inner truth. Her views, her say, she limits it all 'cos there's always secrets to life.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Problematic Life

I'm not sure what's wrong with me these days. I just find myself to be so cramped up with all the little thoughts that's lingering in my head. What's happening? Or what will happen?? That's what I'm clueless about. Everybody around me seems to be so apart from me. So distant. Seem to be so tedious for me to reach out to them. Where are they? Who will be by my side when I'm in need of help, shoulder to cry, ears to listen and hugs to relieve? Where can I spill out all my agony? Or is there no such person?

I just wonder why am I born to think too much or why do I choose to be this way even if I try not to? These eye bags are already making my whole countenance look sullen and old. Sleepless night everyday. How long will this continue? I need a good sleep before school starts. When will that be?? Is there any remedy for such insomniacs?

Sigh. Problematic. Never ending.

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